
Bush supporters face off with war protesters
I was hoping someone would be able to organize something like this.
More than 100 supporters of President Bush held a rally Friday night across the road from the makeshift campsite of anti-war demonstrators, but authorities kept the groups separated and there was little confrontation.
Makeshift camp my @ss. That makes it sound like one poor housewife, grieving for her son .... This woman is working with Democratic political operatives and the George Soros raft of political agitation groups.
You weren't expecting the MSM to report that, were you?
Many of the Bush supporters rode on a bus from Dallas in a trip organized by nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host Mike Gallagher. They said they wanted to counter the war protest, started last weekend by a grieving mother who set up camp on the road leading to Bush's ranch.

At first, the 100 or so war protesters held a 40-foot banner that read "Support our troops; bring them home now!" Then they sang "God Bless America." But as Gallagher rallied his spirited, flag-waving group over a bullhorn - and the Bush supporters chanted "USA!" and "Go George go!" - the protesters put down the banner and for the most part ignored the other side. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif., who started the peace vigil, was not present during the counter-rally. She was resting at the Crawford Peace House.

Robert Pinson, who served in Vietnam in the Army, said he took the three-hour bus ride to Crawford because he believes Bush is protecting the nation and that the troops are heroes. "I just wanted to show support for my country, since I served and would serve again if I could," said Pinson, 67.

Before the Bush supporters boarded the bus about 30 minutes later, they placed their flags beside rows of white crosses with names of fallen U.S. soldiers. The war protesters erected the crosses, which stretch about two-tenths of a mile down the road.

Sue Niederer, whose son Seth Dvorin died in Iraq last year, said she and other war protesters were glad there were no major confrontations. She said she was touched by one Bush supporter who looked at her, then asked if he could hug her. "It was a beautiful, beautiful thing," she said. "Even though he may have been a Republican, it didn't matter."

There were a few tense words between the opposing sides in the beginning, as sheriff's deputies steered the Bush supporters in a sunny ditch on - appropriately enough - the right side of the road. The protesters' camp was in the shade, but authorities said the pro-Bush group shouldn't mingle with the other side.

A few Bush supporters arrived on their own earlier Friday and stood at the edge of the site, initially enduring some ridicule by the war opponents. "Over the last two or three days Cindy Sheehan has been talking about how our president is a murderer and how the war is for no good reason, and I disagree with her," said Thomas F. Zapp, 52, of Richmond, whose 20-year-old son T.J. was killed in Iraq last fall.

Before noon Friday, Bush's motorcade sped by the protesters en route to a fundraiser, but it didn't stop. It's unclear if Bush, riding in a black Suburban with tinted windows, looked at the demonstrators. One woman said first lady Laura Bush looked out the window at them.

Sheehan held a sign that read: "Why do you make time for donors and not for me?" Because you're not a grieving mother, you're a jerk who is working with a publicist and political consultants?
He made time for her last year, which was appropriate.
Law enforcement agencies blocked two intersecting roads where the protesters have camped out and required them to stand behind yellow tape about 10-15 feet from the main road. No one was asked to leave.

Bush passed the group to and from his neighbor's ranch, where he met about 230 donors at a lunchtime barbecue that was expected to raise at least $2 million for the Republican National Committee.

In the last week, dozens have joined Sheehan, 48, whose 24-year-old son Casey died in Iraq last year. From their makeshift campsite of tents and anti-war banners, they vow to remain until Bush meets with grieving parents or until his monthlong ranch visit ends.

Bush has said that he sympathizes with Sheehan but did not say if he will talk to her. Bush has met with about 900 relatives of 272 U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Sheehan said she wants to hold the president accountable for faulty prewar intelligence that she says led to an unnecessary war. "I don't want comfort from him," Sheehan said. "I want answers. I want the truth."
She wouldn't recognize the truth.
On Friday, she released a 60-second television ad running on cable channels in the Crawford area the rest of the month. The $15,000 cost was paid for by Gold Star Families, a group Sheehan co-founded.
Wonder where they got the money?

Posted by: leader of the pack 2005-08-13