
Dem Rep. Says Iraq Conflict a NeverEndum
American troops in Iraq face an insurgency whose limitless supply of weapons is forcing an unremitting bloodbath with no end in sight, U.S. Rep. Stephen F. Lynch warned yesterday as he wrapped up a five- day visit to Iraq. "Saddam (Hussein) has spent the last forty years stockpiling weapons here," Lynch (D-South Boston) said in a phone interview from Ramstein Air Base in Germany. "The volume of Muslim fighters who are being urged to wage war against American troops that are on the ground in Iraq is basically inexhaustible."
Strategic Problem #1: neither the White House, nor the House of Representatives nor the State Department nor Defense authorities, are willing to put an ideological tag on the enemy. The term Islamofascism that is used widely at Rantburg, has no currency in US government circles. One consequence is that Muslim leaders still attack the treatment of Gitmo and Abu Ghraib terrorists, as acts in defense of Muslims. But, if they are "Muslims" then is their terror, "Islamic"? CAIR, ISNA, AMC etc need to be forced to declare Muslim terrorists as apostate (murtad kaffir), under penalty of losing status as political-religious groups. Frankly, I support a shoot-on-sight policy viz all proven - in secret legal forums - terrorists, financiers and accessories.

Because Iraq's borders cannot be secured, any resolution to the conflict has to be a "political, not military" solution, said Lynch, who will meet with reporters to discuss his trip at his South Boston home tonight.
"Political"! Like the Paris Peace (sic) talks with the Vietcong? The solution is: military. Iraqization will work to some extent, especially where US air services supplement ground work. One earlier tactical change - "reactive" to "pro-active" patrol tactics - that was implemented in Nov. 2003, reduced US casualties by 70% (from one month to the next), and put the enemy on the defensive. I favor immediate implementation of: disproportionate retaliation. In my opinion, it is the lack of a meaningful - ie: deadly - response to terror that fuels Islamofascist aggression, more than Iraqi reaction to native combat deaths. "Wahabi" is becoming Iraqi for "shit."

Lynch met with more than 30 Massachusetts residents serving in Iraq, visited wounded soldiers, met with military commanders in Baghdad and visited two U.S. Marine bases - at Al Qiam along the Syrian border and Balad in northern Iraq.
Dems are getting good at partisan' bi-partisanship.

Asked what he would tell the parents of Massachusetts soldiers waiting anxiously at home, Lynch said: "I would tell the parents of those young men and women that, in my opinion, they are the very best Americans and how tremendously proud I am of their willingness to stand up for their country and to try to liberate that country."

A wounded soldier from Fall River, thrown from his vehicle and wounded after riding over a double-stacked anti-tank mine, was just one of many soldiers who were anxious to get back to fighting, Lynch said.

"The morale here, I think, ranged from between very, very good to excellent," Lynch said. "I found one of our Marines who had part of his left foot amputated who requested we assist him in getting back to his unit."
Great! But morale could slip unless military resources are better directed at achieving their noble objectives.

Posted by: Vlad the Muslim Impaler 2005-08-14