
Dogs (2- and 4-legged) support Sheehan
Go to the link and look at the pictures. The dogs are the best-looking ones there. Was it P. J. O'Rourke who stated the theory that winning causes get the hot babes?
And proven in places like Lebanon and the Ukraine ...
Wednesday night's nationwide vigils on behalf of anti-Bush moonbat activist Cindy Sheehan was something to bark about, at least for those of the canine variety. Not only were protesters of the human kind present at the reported 1,627 events organized by MoveOn.org, some brought their pets and adorned them with signs reading, "Dogs for Cindy."
Bitches for the bitch
Bloggers documenting the candlelight vigils even included their furry friends among those in attendance:

# Plano, Texas: "A count of 346 in Plano. ... Great cross-section of ages, ethnicities, dog breeds."
Criminy. Concern for the diversity of the Canine-American protestors.

There's a *war* on, folks. You should at least PRETEND to be serious.

# Denver, Colo.: "I saw a dog with a sign that said 'Puppies for Peace.'"

# Ithaca, N.Y.: "All ages, lots of kids, and many dogs also – I noticed that many of the dogs were wagging their tails even during the silence – seemed like they were enjoying themselves!"

Ever notice how dogs love things that smell rotten?
Meanwhile in Berkeley, Calif., one woman could have been in an episode of "The Twilight Zone." "Everyone had something to say," writes a blogger on Zombietime.com. "For example, this woman wanted the world to go backward in time to 2003, so that the invasion of Iraq would once again be a potential future event that could be avoided this time around." Get a load of her at the link. Warning! remove contact lenses so they don't melt.
Posted by: Jackal 2005-08-20