
Iraq vet gets in-state tuition after all
Follow-up on yesterday's outrage. EFL.
Following nationwide public outcry, a decorated U.S. Marine from Texas will be allowed in-state college tuition after a school turned him down because he didn't reside in the state when he began two tours of duty in Iraq.

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, himself a former U.S. Marine, identified a state waiver provision for which Basham qualifies, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. "We are so delighted that angry mobs with pitchforks won't be storming our building he will be eligible for in-state tuition," said Veronica Obregon, spokeswoman for Austin Community College.
It wasn't a joking matter, Veronica.
Patterson wrote a letter stating Basham qualified for a waiver that requires him to provide military documents showing Texas as his state of residence plus his voter and automobile registration. Obregon said Basham has presented the proper documentation to meet the waiver requirements.

Basham moved with his parents to Louisiana when he was a junior in high school, and he enlisted in the Marines right after graduating. Even though his parents moved back to Texas after he had been in the service for a year, the college argued he lived in Louisiana at the time of enlistment.
OK. I can sorta see this, but if he were an illegal alien, would they have been such sticklers for the rules?
Basham had argued that after "being in the military for a year, coming from Louisiana, my parents moved back into Texas, making me an automatic resident, because I'm still their dependent."

Over two enlistments and eight years of service, Basham was awarded a Combat Action Ribbon, a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and other decorations. He served as a driver and an auto mechanic in his two tours of duty in Iraq, each lasting seven months.
You have to shine the light to scatter the cockroaches. We won this battle, but the war isn't over.
Posted by: Jackal 2005-08-20