
UK and France hold Iraq talks
Why? We can tell the French what they can do from this side of the channel. IGNORE THEM!!!
UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and France's Dominique de Villepin have attempted to present a united front by agreeing the urgent need for international involvement in rebuilding post-war Iraq. Mr Straw said it looked as though "we may be towards the close of hostilities" with Iraq.
Eugh, Jack, how can you do this?!

He said the country had to be governed "by the people of Iraq with the support of the coalition and the United Nations international community". He insisted that the UK and France had a "grown up relationship", while accepting that sometimes the two nations "have different objectives perspectives".
Mr de Villepin said a sense of "common values" was shared, adding: "We would like to express our sympathy that France has with the British people.
"We still believe they are represented by an oppressive regime."

"I would like to reiterate our support for many of the things that Tony Blair has been saying. We have also indicated our hope that the war in Iraq will be finished as soon as possible. Also, we would like to stress the urgency when it comes to the humanitarian effort in the Gulf that we all work together and that the international community plays an important role."
The biggest humanitarian job's been done, and you wanted no part of it, so STFU and try to f*** Germany again. Oh, Schroeder's not there any more?!

The pair were speaking after a meeting in Paris, which follows talks in Belfast between UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush. France, which is fiercely opposed to liberty the conflict, has insisted the United Nations must handle the reconstruction of Iraq. Mr Bush and Mr Blair repeated their desire for a fully elected Iraqi government to follow an interim Iraqi administration. Mr Straw reiterated that message, by saying the two premiers "had committed themselves to a vital role for the UN in the reconstruction of Iraq and other matters relating to Iraq."

"We all hope desperately that the conflict comes to an end," he told reporters. "It looks as though we may be towards the close of hostilities - none of us want the blood of a single individual shed at all in this situation. We want the removal of Saddam Hussein's government and we want, as that is happening the process of reconstruction. Both we and the US wish to see, as quickly as possible, the creation of a representative, democratic Iraqi government, carrying the consent of the Iraqi people responsible, crucially, for its own security... that cannot happen overnight." As US and UK forces were already on the ground in Iraq, "we have to remain there - it's our responsibility to remain there until these other processes are through", he said.
"Our primary concern now is to protect the Iraqi people from counterattacks launched by forces allied to Saddam - France, Russia, the UN."

Mr Straw said Britain's ties with France were in "friendship, history and culture". "It would be very boring if friends always agreed," he said.
Friends fall out when one becomes a complete w***er and tries to stab the other in the back though, don't they?

"This is a grown up relationship. Of course we sometimes have different perspectives on issues and so what? What is important is that we work those through in a dialect and we show a higher agreement. Everybody knows there has been some difference of opinions on Iraq, but there is a huge range of issues on the agenda where we are almost exactly in the same place."
These are, again?

Mr de Villepin said it was "very important" that the international community has "a central role" in reconstructing Iraq. "That needs to come from the United Nations ... It is not a question of a vital role or a central role. I think we would all agree that the United Nations will play a key role."
Fine, we'll hire a few UN locksmiths.

Mr Straw and Mr de Villepin also spoke of the importance of the Middle East peace process which, along with Iraq and Northern Ireland, was a major focus of President Bush's visit to Belfast. France has major commercial interests in Iraq and under the oil for food programme, it was Iraq's leading supplier of goods. More than a fifth of all Iraqi imports were French sales.
Let's let the Iraqis decide how much Chirac's cronies can continue to wring out of their country, eh?
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-04-09