
Pro-war activists demonstrate in western India
Hundreds of people took to the streets in western India on Tuesday to support the U.S.-led war on Iraq, in what organisers called the country's first pro-war demonstration. Protesters, including children and young people, shouted slogans praising U.S. President George W. Bush and demanded that the effort to crush "terrorism" be expanded to include India's arch rival, Pakistan. "Indians have suffered for too long because of the covert terrorism Pakistan sponsors," said Nagesh Bhandari, convener of the Alliance Against Terrorism, a non-government organisation. "So, Bush should turn his attention to Pakistan once the Iraqi war is over."

Though several anti-war protests have been held across India, there had so far been no public demonstration of support for the war on Iraq. Demonstrators waved Indian and U.S. flags. Some, with their faces painted in the colours of the U.S. flag, shouted "Bush and Blair march ahead, we are with you," and "Kill Saddam, save the world" and "Down, Down Pakistan". "Saddam has killed thousands of his own countrymen using poisonous gas. So should we support Saddam, the mass killer or Bush, the democrat?" asked one participant.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Let's Bomb Iraq
Posted by: rg117 2003-04-09