
India Pressed on Kashmir Attacks
At first glance, the argument is seductive: if America can strike out at a suspected sponsor of terrorism and hugely destructive weapons thousands of miles away, why can't India hit out at one next door? As India sees it, its neighbor Pakistan is a nuclear-armed state that is backing anti-Indian terrorism in Kashmir. The latest provocation came last month, when 24 Hindus were massacred there. India wasted little time blaming Pakistan, which denied responsibility. Few experts here think India will make a pre-emptive strike based on the American precedent. India has been increasingly critical of the United States action in Iraq, which would make it difficult to then turn around and emulate it. [India's Parliament passed a resolution on Tuesday deploring the allied attack against Iraq. "Change of regime through military action is unacceptable," the resolution said, and it called for the quick withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq.]
That was indeed a stupid move; it takes away a choice from India to take military action against Pakland. Though the lefty parties wanted to 'condemn' but the government wouldn't go for anything more than 'deploring' the military action.
India also lacks the military superiority over Pakistan that the United States has over Iraq.
It's serious time that India expanded it defence industry. Involved more private corporations, better competition. India has the technical expertise, it just needs to get the bureaucrats out of the loop. India can get a significant advantage over Pakland if it plays this out correctly.
In a sign of their concern, President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain took time to approve a joint statement on the subcontinent at their Camp David summit meeting on Iraq on March 27. It urged a cease-fire and called for Pakistan to discourage militancy.
"discourage militancy". Translation: Do what you like cause we don't give a shit.
"How to put pressure on Musharraf when we know Pakistan is aiding and abetting terrorism is very difficult," the senior Western diplomat said, particularly given Western countries' need for Pakistani cooperation in the war on terror.
A few nukes should put a lot of pressure
Posted by: rg117 2003-04-09