
Liberals Fool Foolish Fools
There they are again. You know who I am talking about. It's the same tie dyed freaky crowd who love to hate the USA. They have assembled at Crawford Tx to denounce the President, the war and do the foot work of the Democratic Party.

The same good ol' crowd that hate anyone who hunts for sport but have not a problem in the aborting of a fetus.

The same crowd that rally against exploration of oil within our country yet they themselves drive to their 'Peace Protests' in Suburus, Volvos, Land Rovers.

The same crowd who hate the US Military but seem to love the leftist guerrillas that live in the hills of South America.

Not suprisingly they failed to appear to protest against the enemy who attacked us after 9/11.

I could go on with the comparisons that expose 'their' hypocrisy but I would have to write forever to do so. The point I am striving to put forth has to do with the manipulation of Cindy Sheehan by the LEFT. Seems to this man that they [Lefties] do not have any problem taking advantage of Cindy Sheehan and using her to put forth their own sick agenda. That agenda is to bring down the USA and have us beholden to the World Order.

Hypothetically speaking, why aren't these people protesting against the terrorists who killed Ms. Sheehan's son? Exactly how did they turn this woman against this President? The President did meet with her not very long ago and she reported that he was a [gist of the report] fine man who understood what the parents of the fallen soldiers were going through.

This group, MoveOn.Org is the frontrunner for the Democratic Party and are fighting against the election of GW by using any opportunity to smear him. I assume that the ends justify the means and this group of scum have little compassion for Ms. Sheehan . They were able to turn her against this nation and her words spew hatred for this country and this President comparing us and him to the 'real terrorists'. Somehow she neglected to remember that Saadam murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people. That the Taliban executed women in Afghanistan. That the terrorists are routinely blowing up cars that in turn are killing innocent Iraquis.

But, are these her words or has she become a puppet for this propagandist group of fools? I think I'd bet on her being a useful idiot of the left. She is not alone. The mainstream media are also jumping with joy in reporting this. I guess they longed for the days of the Viet Nam War when they gave us the daily US body count and only reported the negatives.

However, this is a different time and a different war. The public has unlimited access to the news and also have the choice of reading and hearing other opinions that are not controlled by the left. But this time the Silent Majority will not be silenced and we will counter the left and their off the wall rhetoric by exposing the lies that they spew out.

Ms. Sheehan. Go home, revere the sacrifice your son made by not cheapening his death by allying yourself with the enemy.
Posted by: Elmemble Ulaitch5567 2005-08-24