
Shouldn't Be Hard to Find
Silicone boost for a cabinet member?
Thailand's prime minister is searching for the cabinet colleague who has had a silicone injection to enlarge his penis, according to reports yesterday.
"Hey! Put that thing away! You're scaring the horses!"
Ahead of a parliamentary debate on an emergency powers decree passed by the government, Thaksin Shinawatra turned instead to a topic of fevered speculation in the country. "Who did it? Tell me," Mr Thaksin was quoted as asking his ministers. "This has affected the reputation of the cabinet, because the news went round the world. I don't want people to think cabinet members are obsessed with this kind of thing."
What has "affected the reputation of the cabinet" is the insane, impotent (no pun intended) response to Islamist violence in the southern provinces."
According to the Nation newspaper no one present said anything, although a number of male cabinet ministers squirmed in their seats and looked down at the floor. Mr Thaksin then suggested, tongue in cheek, that the public health minister make inquiries. "The next room is empty," he told him. "Can you use it to check the ministers right now?"
"Awright, Mr. Minister! Lessee whatcha got there... Whoa! Hey, Mr. President! I think we found him!... You need some help putting that thing back?"
The question has arisen because a woman who claims a plastic surgeon disfigured her face with a silicone injection, and is in turn being sued by the clinic for defamation, asserts that a government minister has had a similar treatment to increase his manhood.
Ahem ... and how, pray tell this she come by this information?
Posted by: The Angry Fliegerabwehrkanonen 2005-08-26