
Fallen soldier's mother to embark on bus tour after leaving Texas vigil
CRAWFORD, Texas – A fallen soldier's mother said Thursday that the anti-war vigil she started nearly three weeks ago near President Bush's ranch won't end when she and other protesters pack up their camp next week.

Cindy Sheehan said the day after she leaves Aug. 31, she will embark on a bus tour ending up in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 24. Then the group will start a 24-hour vigil in the nation's capital. "I am not alone," she said at a news conference Thursday. "There's the people standing behind me here, but there's thousands of military families ... who want the same answers to the same questions."

Bush has said he recognizes Sheehan's right to protest and understands her anguish, although she does not represent the views of many families he has met with.

Sheehan and other grieving families met with Bush about two months after her son died last year, before reports of faulty prewar intelligence surfaced and caused her to become a vocal opponent of the war.
Bus tour? Since Aruba has a "fire sale" on tours after the Holloway incident, perhaps there is a bus that would be most suitable...

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The KuKu Kunuku Bus from Aruba
Perfect for Cindy S. and her not-so-merry band of Leftists.

Posted by: Slolush Glomoth5548 2005-08-26