
Text of Statement by London Bomber
Excerpts from the farewell statement by Mohammad Sidique Khan, one of the suicide bombers who took part in the July 7 attacks on London's transit system, in a video aired Thursday on Al-Jazeera:
"I and thousands like me are forsaking everything for what we believe. Our driving motivation doesn't come from tangible commodities that this world has to offer. Our religion is Islam, obedience to the one true god Allah and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad, God's blessing be upon him. This is how our ethical stances are dictated.
"We don't worry about being prosperous or getting along with our neighbords. We members of the Master Religion expect to rule where we live."
Your democratically elected governments continuously perpetuate injustice against my people all over the world and your support of them makes you directly responsible, just as I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters. Until we feel security, you will be our targets. Until you will stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight. We are at war, and I am a soldier and now you too will taste the reality of this situation."
"We spit on democracy. The Koran is our constitution. Resisting or punishing aggression, brutality, or atrocity by members of the Master Religion will result in more aggression, brutality and atrocity, so get used to it. We are at war, and I hate you blindly and fanatically."
(He then appeals) "to Allah to raise me amongst those whom I love like the prophets, the messengers, the martyrs and today's heroes like our beloved Sheik Osama bin Laden, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and all the other brothers and sisters that are fighting in al-Qaida's cause. With this I leave you to make up your own mind. And I ask ... Allah the almighty to accept this work from me and my brothers and enter us into gardens of paradise."
"I'm gonna be dead soon. I have no accomplishments to point to. I've never made any contribution to society. If I dropped dead of a heart attack tomorrow the world would keep right on turning. Sure hope this is all worth it, because the only thing I'm capable of doing is destroying my fellow man."
I, personally, hope your demise was very painful, you little shit.

Posted by: Fred 2005-09-02