
"Victims have Begun Eating Corpses" (Phenomenol hate-lies from Randall Robinson)
From Sweetness and Light also highlighted on Drudge.

Randall Robinson

It is reported that black hurricane victims in New Orleans have begun eating corpses to survive. Four days after the storm, thousands of blacks in New Orleans are dying like dogs.
By whom is this reported? The Klansman blog? White Power News? StormFront? Whether or not they are the source, they are no doubt delighted to hear it.
No-one has come to help them.
A transparent lie, and many of those who came to help were shot at
I am a sixty-four year old African-American.
Conceivably true, but given Robinson's track-record, he could just as well be 85. It might explain a lot.
New Orleans marks the end of the America I strove for.
Another lie, he hopes it is the beginning of all he has worked for, a ruthless, racist, elitist dictatorship of media beasts and race-baiting charlatans.
I am hopeless. I am sad. I am angry against my country for doing nothing when it mattered. Four lies in sixteen words. This is how scum like Robinson have gotten rich, so naturally he is good at it.
This is what we have come to. This defining watershed moment in America’s racial history. For all the world to witness. For those who’ve been caused to listen for a lifetime to America’s ceaseless hollow bleats about democracy. For Christians, Jews and Muslims at home and abroad. For rich and poor. For African-American soldiers fighting in Iraq. For African-Americans inside the halls of officialdom and out.

My hand shakes with anger as I write. I, the formerly un-jaundiced human rights advocate, have finally come to see my country for what it really is. A monstrous fraud.
No, Randall, you are the monstrous fraud, and you are inciting hatred and violence purely to enrich yourself, just as you supported Soviet colonialism in Africa 30 years ago.
But what can I do but write about how I feel. How millions, black like me, must feel at this, the lowest moment in my country’s story.
Worse than Fort Sumter? Ok. Let it be written, let it be done.
Lots of events could mark the lowest moment in America for black Americans. The Klan. The race riots and lynchings of the 1920s. Being brought over in chains. Sold on an auction block. But no, for Randall the lowest moment is a 3 day delay in getting the National Guard into New Orleans, and that delay the result, in large part, of the incompetence of local officials.

Randall Robinson is a social justice advocate and author whose works include "The Debt –What America Owes to Randall Robinson Blacks"
He owes African-Americans an abject apology for invoking the crudist of anti-black smears, cannibalism, in the hope of extorting yet more millions from corporate cowards and Moonbat foundations.

Randall Robinson is a lying demogogue in the same mold as Goebbels and Streicher, though even less concerned with the plausibility of his claims. People who do not regularly practice cannibalism will not resort to it in just four days, it has never happened in all history.
This story is being heavily reported by Pacifica Radio, the left blogs, Indymedia and the rest of the enemy propaganda machine. They are testing their power: "just how much can we get away with in our war of extortion against the civilized world?" They have declared war with their insane response to Katrina. Let them now take the consequences. The debate is over, the left-devils are beyond all reason, persuasion or compromise. This is Fort Sumter, let the issue now be decided in the streets. Roast in hell, left-liars, happy extinction and good riddance.

This is not Fort Sumter. This is a moment to laugh at idiots like Mr. Robinson. This is a moment to thank the Guard, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the young man who drove the bus filled with people to Houston, the construction workers trying to fix the broken levees, and all the good people who've been out there cleaning up. That's what today is.

This gentleman makes Huffington' fave, Mother Sheehan, seem almost well-balanced.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2005-09-03