
SAS joins US forces hunting for dictator
SAS and MI6 teams were last night helping their US counterparts in the search for Saddam Hussein as US troops in Baghdad turned their attention from defeating his army to finding the leaders of his regime.
Now he's toast.
Spy satellites, photo-reconnaissance aircraft, and Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles are scouring the area between Baghdad and Tikrit, the dictator's home town. Intercept operators are also scanning the airwaves for any sign of the encrypted communications equipment used by his lieutenants to communicate with other members of the Ba'ath party leadership. Those hunting for Saddam include a secret Pentagon unit known only as Gray Fox, which carries out covert intelligence operations and specialises in tracking down individuals. It has been used in the past in Lebanon against Hizbollah and provided the information that led to the arrest of Pablo Escobar, the Colombian drugs baron. Gray Fox has all the latest surveillance equipment, including communications monitoring equipment and low-flying signals intercept aircraft.
Go get 'em.
Posted by: Anonymous 2003-04-11