
Iran condemns murder of Iraqi Shiite cleric
Iran on Friday condemned the murder of prominent Shiite cleric Seyyed Abdul Majid al-Khoei who was stabbed to death in Najaf Thursday. "From the Islamic Republic of Iran's standpoint, resorting to violence in order to achieve political ends is condemned," Foreign Minister spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said.
Cheeze. Hand me a tissue, wouldja? Hot coffee hurts when it sprays out your nose...
Iraqi opposition sources here told IRNA Thursday that Khoei was knifed by assailants at the mausoleum of Imam Ali while he was saying his prayers. "The brave Iraqi people in the current sensitive juncture, while (maintaining) their unity, solidarity and vigilance, must not allow outside forces to impose their views on them by exploiting their disunity and conflicts," Asefi said. The official also voice sympathy with and offered condolences to Khoei's bereaved family. The attackers reportedly dragged the cleric out of the shrine and shot him with a gun before killing him with several strokes of knife. The identity of the assailants and their motives are not known yet.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-11