
Did God send Katrina as judgment for Gaza? (WOO-woo!)
I was starting to feel pretty smug about the pop-left's headlong plunge into Katrina conspiracy madness, then along comes World Nut Daily to prove that we, too, have our whack-jobs. This one is not just silly, goofy, or whacky; it is cackling, tree-climbing, get-nekkid-and-run-down-the-middle-of-the-road crazy:

EFL (yes there is even more of this drooling insanity at the site)
JERUSALEM – While most religious authorities seem to agree one cannot discern the intentions of God, there has been talk in some circles here and on the Internet that the storm that turned parts of the Gulf Coast into a disaster zone, prompting hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes and possibly causing upwards of 10,000 deaths, was thrust upon the U.S. for its support of the Gaza evacuation.
Er, why wouldn't this god send a pox on terrorists or a hurricane to Tehran instead?
I thought he usually sent boils, or locusts.
"Katrina is a consequence of the destruction of [Gaza's] Gush Katif [slate of Jewish communities] with America's urging and encouragement," Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Lewin, executive director of the Rabbinic Congress for Peace, told WND. "The U.S. should have discouraged Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from implementing the Gaza evacuation rather than pushing for it and pressuring Israel into concessions."

Close to 10,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in the Gaza Strip and parts of northern Samaria. Katrina's death toll is now expected to reach at least 10,000.
Over 10,000 loopy-eyed lunatics will read this crap and believe it.
America's population ratio to Israel is about 50:1. Ten thousand Jews who lost their Gaza homes is the equivalent of about 500,000 Americans who are now reported to be displaced as result of Katrina.
So, why didn't an asteroid hit Dubya's Crawford ranch?
Gaza's Jewish communities were located in Israel's southern coastal region; America's southern coastal region now lies in ruins.
France's southern coast is untouched, as is Iran's
The U.S. government called on Louisiana residents to evacuate their homes ahead of the storm. The Israeli government, backed by statements from U.S. officials, demanded Gaza residents evacuate their homes.
"Hurricane coming" and "no hurricane" might suggest some substantial differences though.
Katrina, written in Hebrew, has a numerical equivalent of 374, according to a biblical numbering system upheld by all traditional Jewish authorities. Two relevant passages in the Torah share the exact numerical equivalent: "They have done you evil" (Gen. 50:17) and "The sea upon land" (Exodus 14:15).
What is the numerical equivalent of "crackpot?"
The last four digits of the writer's phone number.
Bush, from Texas, and Rice, from Alabama, were the most vocal U.S. backers of the Gaza evacuation. Hurricane Katrina hit the states in between Texas and Alabama – Louisiana and Mississippi.
So, if we seek to emulate divine wisdom, we will bomb everything between Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Hezbollah's masters in Iran; that is, Iraq.
Similarity in scenes: Many residents of Jewish Gaza climbed to their rooftops to escape the threat of expulsion, while residents of the Gulf Coast climbed on their own rooftops to protect themselves from the rising waters. Jewish Gaza homes described as beautiful and charming were demolished this week by Israel's military. Once beautiful homes in New Orleans now lie in ruins.
This also happened last December in Sri Lanka and other places. What exactly did those places have to do with Gaza?
The day Katrina hit, Israel began carrying out what was termed the most controversial aspect of the Gaza withdrawal – the uprooting of bodies from the area's Jewish cemetery. There have been media reports of corpses floating around in flooded New Orleans regions.
This is a parallel? Both places had cemeteries, how intriguing!
Citizens of Israel were barred from entering Gush Katif; people were only allowed to leave Jewish Gaza. As Katrina was making landfall U.S. authorities barred citizens from entering the affected areas. People were only allowed out.
This is the only point of equivalence, given the police-state roundup and forced evacuation of die-hards by the authorities in New Orleans.
Gush Katif was an important agricultural area for Israel, providing the Jewish state with 70 percent of its produce. A New Orleans port that exported much of the Midwest's agricultural production was destroyed by Katrina.
Food production=food distribution, a rare and eerie coincidence all right.
The connections have caused a firestorm of speculation on Internet blogs and in chat rooms.
Proof positive of credibility.
In a Jerusalem Newswire op-ed discussing the similarities just before Katrina made landfall, writer Stan Goodenough commented, "Is this some sort of bizarre coincidence? Not for those who forgot to take their meds believe in the God of the Bible and the immutability of His Word. What America is about to experience is the lifting of God's hand of protection, the implementation of His judgment on the nation most responsible for endangering the land and people of Israel.
Really? We are more responsible for Israel's danger than, say, Iran or Satanic Arabia? That is just an insult. Stan is a little fuzzy on this whole responsbility, cause/effect thing it seems.
WorldNetDaily the past week has received numerous letters from readers urging a Katrina-Gaza connection.
Now there's a good source
One letter stated, " I think you all are dancing around the real cause of the hurricane. Let me suggest to you that it is the wrath of God on our nation because President Bush pressured Sharon to take the homes from the Jews. ... I knew we would be punished on a large scale. I faxed letters and contacted Bush every way I could begging him not to go forward with that plan to evacuate Gaza but he did so anyway, and as a result we were hit in a week with a hurricane that will make history."
...and Bush, cretinous cowboy and notorious heathen that he is, did not see the logic in this warning.
Perhaps the first to publicly connect Katrina to the Gaza evacuation was famed Israeli conspiracy theorist Barry Chamish, who sent a mass e-mail noting, "GUsh is like GUlf, and KATif is like KATrina. If you take 'KAT' from KATif and KATrina, you are left with 'IF' and 'RAIN.' If you support Gush Katif evacuation, it will rain."
Even among Kabbalists, Chamish is regarded as a high-order nutcake, which is a little like being the leper with the fewest fingers.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2005-09-09