
Dealing Saddam Out
There's a video of the news briefing with pictures of the cards; it requires RealPlayer and a PC.
Decks of playing cards depicting the 55 most-wanted Iraqi leaders may help deal a knockout blow to Saddam Hussein's regime, which now controls just one major city — Saddam's hometown of Tikrit. The regime members shown on the cards "may be pursued, killed or captured," Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks told reporters at a U.S. Central Command briefing in Qatar today. Saddam himself is on the ace of spades, and his son Qusai appears on the ace of clubs that Brooks showed to journalists. Iraq's information minister, Mohammed Saeed al Sahaf, is also featured.
Three of clubs? Joker?
Al Sahaf was the spokesman of the Iraqi regime during the war, holding news conferences in Baghdad filled with colorful, wildly optimisitic predictions of victory, but has recently disappeared from public view. "There are jokers in this deck, there is no doubt about that," Brooks said. The cards also show Saddam's closest confidantes, half-brothers, and other high officials in his regime.
These will appear on eBay shortly, and I want a set!
Posted by: Steve White 2003-04-11