
Dog torn from crying child has been found
Amid the heart-wrenching moments of devastation from deadly hurricane Katrina, there is at least one bright spot. Snowball, a small white dog taken by police from a sobbing little boy as he and his family were boarding a bus at the Superdome, has been located, USA Today reported Thursday.

Snowball is now at the Louisiana SPCA in Gonzalez, La., and will be reunited with his owner, U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian Terry Conger told the newspaper. The Humane Society of the United States I find that a little hard to believe. My experience with the HSUS is that they are solely a political extremist group, like PETA, and don't actually help animals. They have nothing to do with the local humane shelters. and the Louisiana SPCA rescued 43 dogs and 16 cats from the Superdome and delivered them to a temporary shelter at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center.

When the police took the dog during the Superdome evacuation, the boy cried "Snowball! Snowball!" until he vomited. At the time authorities said they didn't know where the boy or his dog ended up.

The sad story of Snowball prompted an outpouring of emotion from pet lovers around the country who went on the hunt for the boy and his dog. One woman set up a reward offer to encourage the search for Snowball.

On Thursday, the president of the Humane Society of Southeast Texas in Beaumont blasted officials for not doing enough to take care of the pets of hurricane victims.
Wait a minute, there. Nobody loves animals more than I (well, that guy in Seattle does, I guess), but human beings come first. If Cami and some stranger fell into a wash, I know which I'd rescue first.

That said, I question the intelligence of whoever wrote the order to ban all pets. Several people have stated that they stayed behind because they knew that the authorities would not let them take their pets. If you force people to leave their pets behind, some will take the chance and stay with them. In this case, that was a bad choice, but if the floodwall hadn't failed (just the hurricane damage), it would have been the better choice.

Posted by: Jackal 2005-09-09