
The Best Damn Sports Show in North Korea
Taking a well deserved break from Soylent Green production...
Pyongyang, September 7 (KCNA) -- The 5th national sports contest of agricultural workers was held in the pleasure ground at the foot of scenic Moran Hill here from Sept. 1 to 6.
The "pleasure ground"?
It drew Korean wrestlers, Taekwon-do players, famous players of swinging, seesaw and Yut game and strong men from farms across the country. They fully displayed national sports technique and skills, special gifts, noble collectivism and sporting morality.
Tonight on KCNA, "Legends of SeeSaw"...
The climax of the contest was the Korean wrestling and tug-of-war between the teams of North Phyongan Province and North Hwanghae Province which have had a hot competition since the first matches.
The incentive: Winners eat the Losers...
North Phyongan Province came first, North Hwanghae Province second and Pyongyang City third in total points.
Our team is red hot, your teams will be shot...
Players from the Namap Co-op Farm in Yomju County, North Phyongan Province won the title in Korean wrestling, players from the Tonam Co-op Farm in Yonan County, South Hwanghae Province in Taekwon-do, players from North Phyongan Province in tug-of-war, players from Ryongchon County, North Phyongan Province in swinging and seesaw and players from Myonggan County, North Hamgyong Province in Yut game.
Damn. I had Pyongyang City in the Yut game. And they didn't even cover...
Posted by: tu3031 2005-09-09