
Pelosi Carps about the Iraq War
Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill are rallying around military successes in Iraq and supporting the troops, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said it was still right to oppose granting the president the authority to use force to disarm Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. "I have absolutely no regret about my vote on this war," she told reporters at her weekly briefing yesterday, saying the same questions still remain: "The cost in human lives. The cost to our budget, probably $100 billion. We could have probably brought down that statue for a lot less. The cost to our economy. But the most important question at this time, now that we're toward the end of it, is what is the cost to the war on terrorism?"
Swell, Nancy — denigrate the whole effort by implying that all it accomplished was to bring down a statue. Carp about the cost, and imply that it hurt the war on terrorism.
She and a majority of House Democrats last October voted against authorizing the president to use force to disarm Saddam's regime. In the Senate, a majority of Democrats voted for the war resolution. The measure passed both chambers comfortably, with almost every Republican supporting it. But Mrs. Pelosi, a dim-witted partisan hack California Democrat, has said she worries the Iraq campaign would divert attention from the broader war on terror and could spawn new terrorist attacks.
Oh Look everyone -- a straw man, a straw boogieman -- EEEEEEK!
Meanwhile, House Republicans and Democrats held a rally to support the troops yesterday, and leaders of both parties praised the military's efficiency and professionalism. Mrs. Pelosi also praised the troops at the rally. But she didn't address the war itself at the event. Later, in her news conference, she told reporters she is not convinced the war in Iraq has made Americans safer. "That remains to be seen," she said. "I certainly would hope so, and I think we have to think in a very positive way about it, but we don't know."
Don't hesitate to make a coherent point, Nancy, if you can find one.
That put her at odds with House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, who said to some U.S. troops present at the rally: "Your cause is noble and just. You are disarming a dangerous despot and ending his ruthless regime." He also said he believed the war was "strengthening the security of our nation, as well as the nations of the Middle East and the nations of the world."

As Mrs. Pelosi praised the troops, she also said their success was owed "in large measure" to former President Bill Clinton. "This best-trained, best-equipped, best-led force for peace in the history of the world was not invented in the last two years. This had a strong influence and strong support during the Clinton years," she said.
Really, any coherent thought will do, Nancy, honest...

I'd hate to think of how many of my friends — good officers and good NCOs — said to hell with it and got out during the Clinton years...

Posted by: John Phares 2003-04-11