
Iraq's safety a future challenge to UN: Pak MP
Another rant from a Pak "expert"...
A member of the Pakistani Parliament on Saturday said a safe and secure Iraq was an open challenge to the United Nations and the world community. Dr. Syed Javid Hussain, in an interview with IRNA, said that the UN and world community should ensure that the Iraqis pick their own dictator there was no outside interference in carving out a new political order in Iraq. He emphasized that the UN should do all it can to stop America from meddling in the internal affairs of Iraq in order to retrieve its lost credibility as the body responsible for preventing global conflicts and helping find peaceful solutions to issues of international concern.
Too late for that, Mr Expert...
In that context, he cautioned that the US was out to install a government of its choice and to deny the Iraqi people the central role in the future political set-up of their own country. "In the new Iraqi interim government, the world body should have a central role for a limited period prior to holding of elections for a political administration," he maintained.
"How long a 'limited period' would that be?"
"Sixty, seventy years..."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-12