
Iraqis welcome ulema's fatwa, return looted properties
The jubilant Iraqi people have responded to a call by the ulema and returned properties they looted during the recent chaos in Iraqi cities, the Qatari-based Al-Jazeera TV channel said on Saturday.
Hey! It could happen...
Al-Jazeera further stressed that the response followed a fatwa (religious order) earlier issued by the Iraqi ulema urging the nation to return all private and state-owned properties they had looted during the first days of the fall of the Ba'athist regime. According to the network, thousands of people are heading towards mosques to return such properties.
"Looting is wrong? Gosh. We didn't know that. Here, let's take all this stuff back..."
Residents in Baghdad criticized the US forces for being quick to provide security to Iraq's oil reserves but neglected to provide security to civilian and other government properties.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-12