
Jane Fonda Speaks Out From the Safety of Canada
Somebody please tell these 60's flashbacks to go away.....
Jane Fonda told a Canadian audience that she fears the U.S. military campaign in Iraq will turn people all over the world against America. "What it's going to mean for (America's) stability as a nation, for terrorism, for the economy? I can't imagine," Fonda said Tuesday.
Then why bring it up? (At least she's honest...)
"I think the entire world is going to be united against us."
No, just France, Germany and Russia if they don't get any prime rebuilding contracts.
That frightens her, she said, but she isn't sure what Americans can do about it. "I don't know if a country where the people are so ignorant of reality
and of history,
no, I think plenty of people here remember you and what you did
if you can call that a free world," she said. Fonda, 65, has been the target of well deserved criticism for decades for her opposition to the Vietnam War and for posing overseas with members of the opposition's military. When she was in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, Fonda said she saw a small performance of a play intended to teach villagers that there were "good Americans and bad Americans" even as U.S. bombs fell on their country. She said she hopes Iraqis and others who might suffer from American attacks will feel the same as Vietnamese people she met, who told her "someday the war will be over and we're going to have to be friends again."
We do? Who told them that?
Fonda made her comments in Vancouver as part of the Unique Lives and Experiences lecture series. She also discussed Canada, the war, her acting career, and her three marriages and divorces.

Sounds like it was all about her...

Posted by: Baba Yaga 2003-04-12