
Damascus Radio Commentary
SANA: Damascus Radio on Saturday stressed the necessity for achieving solidarity among Arab countries to stand by and help the Iraqi people in his crisis underlining Iraq’s right to a government which is reliable by the Iraqi people and able to manage the country affairs.
Like Sammy's was...
The radio said that the Iraqi people is suffering the chaos and regretful practices resulting from absence of political and security forces. The radio indicated that people’s right to self-determination is a legitimate right and that Iraq, in spite of all suffering being exposed to, has sincere leaderships believe in home and nation.
In Baathist ideology, rights reside with the state, in the person of the Leader, keep in mind. The People™ is an abstract, which is personified by the Leader, kind of the vanguard of the hoi-polloi...
The radio concluded that Syria was and is still holding on the international legitimacy resolutions and will stand with the Iraqi people and continue her efforts for the establishment of the Arab solidarity with Iraq’s people in order to keep his unity, future and security.
'Nother words, Syria's efforts will be directed toward nudging the New Iraq back into the fold of Arab Solidarity™. Just so we know.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-12