
New group says behind Afghan rocket attacks
An hitherto unknown group, Saiful Muslemeen (The Sword of Muslims), claimed responsibility on Thursday for a series of rocket attacks on Afghan army bases, a Pakistan-based news agency said. Saiful Muslemeen claimed in a hand-written fax message to the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) that it had fired at least four rockets at an Afghan army base and the airport in the eastern town of Jalalabad on Wednesday night. The group, believed to be linked to the Taliban, said it had carried out similar attacks on Afghan government installations in the past and would continue to do so. AIP said it did not know where the group was based but added it believed the claim was genuine. Wednesday's attack did not cause any damage, AIP said.

Hmmm... Lemme think here. I'd say it was based in NWFP, myself. Maybe in Balochistan. I'd also say it was made up of Pashtuns, most of them born on the Pak side of the border. I'd also say it got its arms and ammunition in Pakistan, paid for by the donations of the faithful and disbursed by either JUI or JI.

I'd also say the there's a chance these bloodthirsty bastards will eventually shoot their way back to power with the backing of Qazi and Fazl and their madrassah networks. If that happens, we'll face the choice of either letting them rot as we try and contain them, or throwing them out again. Containment won't work — it didn't work the last time. If we throw them out again, we're going to have to chase them across the Pak border and kill them in their nests, not let them regroup like we did the last time. That means war with the Paks, because they won't sit still for it. So we might as well get it over with sooner, rather than later.

If the next Afghan government has any Pashtuns in it, we'll have to do the same thing all over again yet a third time, and by then we'll be really tired of it.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13