
Khatami: Iraqi war has no winner
President Mohammad Khatami said Saturday that the 'unequal and extensive' war on Iraq has had no winner but losers, advising the US and UK to get out of Iraq quickly and permit the establishment of a broad-based and democratic government there.
I beg to differ. We won. Sammy lost. We'll leave when Iraq has a new government, and it won't be an "Islamic republic."
President Khatami told a large group of people in the city of Saravan that both the regime of Saddam and the invading US and British forces were defeated in the operations. "The first loser of the war was the dictatorial and belligerent regime of Saddam, who ruled the noble and oppressed Iraqi nation for about a quarter of a century and inflicted heavy damages on Iraqi people and regional nations," said Khatami.
He got that part right, though it wasn't Sammy who taught the noble and oppressed Iraqi people to hook auto batteries up to each other's genitalia. They thought that up themselves.
He said, "The next losers in the war were the invading forces." He added that the forces were defeated first of all in the world public opinion and then morally.
These moral wounds don't hurt much, y'know that?
President Khatami said the world, including Islamic countries, and many governments and policy makers condemned the military invasion as is evidenced by the anti-war demonstrations which are still going on worldwide. He said the invading forces also suffered moral defeat for massacre of women, children and men as well as ruining vital resources of the Iraqi nation.
Had to mow them down when the Heroic Iraqi Army started pushing them out in front of them, using them as shields. Too bad, that.
Khatami called for the establishment of a democratic and popular system in Iraq by Iraqi people themselves with the support of the world people, including states of the region.
Uhuh. The "states of the region" intend to assist them right back into dictatorship of one form or another.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13