
Scholar: Iraqis won't accept foreign rule in Iraq
Iraqi scholar and member of the political bureau of the Islamic Action Organization of Iraq said the Iraqi people would not accept foreign rule in their country. Speaking over phone from Nassiriya to IRNA reporter, Javad Al-Atar commented on the political attitudes of the people of southern Iraq and said the Iraqis would support a civil society where Shiites would be considered the first priority to run the country.
In a word, no.
For the people of Iraq, the period of tyranny and dictatorship is over, he noted.
But he'd like to start it up again...
He went on to say that the Iraqi masses are very happy to see the collapse of Saddam Hussein regime and they are astonished over the lack of resistance by the Iraqi forces in the face of the invading forces. Al-Atar said with the dismantlement of Saddam's regime the Iraqi people are for establishment of a government with due respect for the Islamic values and principles.
"Yes! Us Iraqis have a God-given right to cut each other's heads off!"
He said the people would not accept some with unislamic beliefs to rule them and they want the officials from all levels be Iraqi nationals. He said a summit is to be held in Nassiriya on Tuesday April 15 with the participation of all opposition groups to decide the future of Iraq. The Supreme Assembly of Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), on Saturday announced its readiness to attend the April 15 summit of the Iraqi opposition to help map out plans to uphold the Iraqi people's interests.
And see if they can't grab off some power for themselves...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13