
Syrian FM says US threats "baseless"
The Syrian foreign minister on Saturday night branded as "baseless and futile" the US threats against his country. Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Farouq Al-Shara who was speaking at a joint press conference with his French counterpart Dominique de Villepin, added, "the Damascus government does not evaluate such phony threats as real, or serious."
Neither did Sammy. And he had Dominique on his side, too...
He meanwhile emphasized, "all the same, if we make sure that such threats are really the US foreign policy, we will respond to them seriously."
Like by sending Syrians to make war on our troops?
De Villepin and Al-Shara attended the press conference at Muridan Hotel of Damascus, following a joint meeting with the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to the IRNA reporter in Syria. The Syrian foreign minister emphasized, "the threats against Syria are made by the extremists within the US administration who do not even heed the interests of the US nation, and the future of the Americans in the Middle East."
He's talking about people who don't like Syrian gunnies...
Some US politicians and military commanders have during the past few weeks been accusing Syria of sending weapons to Iraq secretly and of providing for the fleeing of the high ranking Iraqi officials into the Syrian territory. The Syrian foreign minister reiterated: "The Americans have up to now despite occupying the whole Iraqi territory found no weapons of mass destruction there. How are they going to prove the existence of such weapons in Syria then?"
I suppose we could go look...
Al Shara said, "Syria has a special status within the Islamic and Arab world, as well as among the members of the Non Aligned Movement (NAM). That is besides the hundreds of millions of black and Arab Americans, who have on numerous occasions announced they are pleased with the performance of the Syrian government."
Hmmm... Wonder why he brought them up?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13