
Daily profers China model for resumption of Iran-US ties
`Iran News' on Sunday suggested that Iran can use the China experience to end its long-running antagonistic standoff with the United States instead of a plebiscite as recently proposed by Expediency Council (EC) chief Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. "The leaders in Beijing did not need a referendum to reach the conclusion that it would be in the national security interests of China to end its decades-long antagonistic standoff with Washington," noted the English-language daily in its editorial. "The decision-makers should simply weigh the pros and cons of the issue and if deemed advantageous to our national interests, not a second should be wasted in reestablishing ties with the United States," the editorial further said.
"Don't give 'em time to decide we should be number one on the poop list..."

It is interesting to compare the responses of Iran and Syria to the U.S. victory. The guys running Iran are obviously much smarter than the ones running Syria. It's still early in the game, but it looks like the Iran-Syria axis may come apart and Iran stands back from open belligerence. That should have a major effect on Iranian-financed, Syrian-sheltered terror networkds.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13