
Ex-POW Lynch to Be Hospitalized for Weeks
As rescued prisoner of war Jessica Lynch spent her first full day back in the United States recovering from her injuries, she rejoiced over news that seven other U.S. POWs - including five captured with her - were found alive Sunday in Iraq. ``This is certainly an answer to our prayers and - we're certain - the prayers of literally millions of other concerned citizens of the world,'' Lynch and her family said in a written statement.

The 19-year-old private first class remained in satisfactory condition Sunday at Washington's Walter Reed Army Medical Center, said Major Gen. Kevin Kiley, a physician and commander of the hospital. ``She seems to be in good spirits,'' Kiley said. Lynch and some four dozen other wounded soldiers arrived Saturday in the United States after leaving a hospital in Germany. Kiley said when he greeted Lynch and told her he was glad to have her at Walter Reed, she said: ``I'm glad to be here, too, sir.''

Lynch, from Palestine, W.Va., was rescued April 1 from an Iraqi hospital by U.S. forces in a daring commando raid. She was treated at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany for a head wound, a spinal injury and fractures to her right arm, both legs and her right foot and ankle. Gunshots may have caused open fractures on her upper right arm and lower left leg, according to the hospital. Kiley would not elaborate on her injuries or how they occurred but said it would be ``at least a few weeks'' before her release. ``I will tell you the vast majority of the troops that come in with similar types of injuries have full or near full recovery,'' he said. ``To the families of these great troops, we'd like to offer you our assurances that they will receive the best care imaginable. To the media, we hope you'll be as supportive and respectful to these GIs' privacy as you have to ours.''
Judging by the feeding frenzy so far, doesn't look like that will happen.
Posted by: Steve White 2003-04-13