
Headlines from Syrian papers...
President Bashar al-Assad receives a phone call from Blair on the latest developments in Iraq.
"Hi, Bashir! It's Tony... No, we're not coming for you yet..."
President al-Assad reviews with French Foreign Minister, De Villepin the standing situation, and Arab and international efforts to back the United Nations’ role in Iraq. Syria will do whatever it can to allow the Iraqi people determine their future.
"Yeah. They don't need anybody to pick their dictator for them..."
Lebanese officials stress the importance of solidarity with Syria.
"We lo-o-o-o-ove the Mother Country..."
Political circles and Arab media activities continue condemnation against the American accusations against Syria.
"See that? All the usual suspects are on our side. Just like they were on Sammy's..."
In a joint press conference, al-Shara: War on Iraq is illegal and the American accusations are allegations. De Villepin: Syria has an important regional role.
Ummm... Yes. As a target...
One Palestinian martyred by Israeli bullets in Ad-Daherya, and the number rises to 2373.
Terrible, the way they keep popping those gunnies, ain't it?
General Director of the International Agency for Nuclear Energy, Mohammed al- Baradee: There is no evidence of the existence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq.
"Nope. None there. Take my word for it."
With the increasing anti-war demonstrations, the United Nations appeals for a central role.
"Hey! Lookit me! Yo! Over here! Don'tchoo ignore me, now...!"
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-13