
Judge Grants 'Junior' Gotti's Release
Growing Up Gotti's gotta suck...
NEW YORK --A federal judge agreed Monday to free the son of late mob boss John Gotti on $7 million bond pending any retrial on racketeering charges.
Chump change for the son of a mob boss.
Under bail conditions approved by U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin, John A. "Junior" Gotti will be released but remain under house arrest in his own home on Long Island.
"Martha, may I borrow that cute ankle bracelet of yours?"
Gotti, 41, remained in custody while paperwork was being finalized. His lawyers said he could be home as early as Tuesday.

The judge granted the bail request, secured by property that includes his sister's home, despite warnings by prosecutors that Gotti could try to tamper with witnesses if set free.
Could? It's a freakin' mob tradition!
Scheindlin predicted the scion of the Gambino organized crime family -- who has been jailed since 1999 -- would never take the risk.
Judge, would you like to predict tonight's Chiefs / Broncos game for me?
"It strikes me that nobody is that stupid," the judge said.
From what I hear, Junior is that stupid.
Last week, a jury failed to reach a verdict on racketeering charges against Gotti, who was accused in an alleged plot to kidnap Curtis Sliwa, a WABC-AM host and founder of the Guardian Angels crime-fighting group, in retaliation for his on-air rants against the senior Gotti.
More crushing of dissent in Bush's AmeriKKKa. I wonder how many jurors were 'reached'?
Prosecutors have not announced whether they will seek a second trial for Gotti, who faced a sentence of up to 30 years in prison if convicted.
Sounds like if he keeps his nose clean, he'll walk. I don't know if the feds want to waste anymore $$ chasing Jr; I'd just wait for him to screw up again.
Posted by: Raj 2005-09-26