
Fresh Syrian measures to run crises
Reliable Syrian sources said that preparations are under way to form units for administrating crises and files of the issues that link Syria with some Arab and foreign countries (whose relations with Syria have some differences or tension.
That would be a long list
Sources made it clear a unit will be soon formed to tackle the Syrian Lebanese file. The unit will include five Syrian officials (security and senior political dignitaries plus figures from the Regional Leadership of the ruling Baath Party).The unit will submit a report in detail to the higher political leadership and to the President Bashar Al-Assad.
They've put together a blue ribbon panel to study the issue and make recomendations.

"In case the experiment scores a success, the Syrian leadership will form new crises units as regards other files such as the Syrian-Iraqi file and the Syrian-American ties.
"And if it doesn't, well, Paris is lovely in the fall."
Al-Watan –Saudi Arabia
Posted by: Steve 2005-09-27