
Leading Ansar al-Sunnah member captured
A source in the Iraqi police has confirmed the detention of a leading member in the fundamentalist extremist group of 'Ansar Al Sunna', which is linked to Al Qaeda organization and is active in Iraq, in addition to Abu Mus'ab Al Zarqawi's group. Colonel Taha Abdullah, from Kirkuk police, said, "Kirkuk police managed to arrest Sami Ibrahim Jajan, one of the prominent leaders of Ansar Al Sunna organization in Iraq," while being at a transportation station in the center of Kirkuk city (225 km northeast of Baghdad). He added that Jajan, who is an Iraqi national and wanted, has been detained while being at a bus stop, intending to head to Baghdad. He pointed out, "Police elements managed to identify Jajan and chase him through images distributed on behalf of the American army."

It is worth mentioning that Kurdistan TV station, under the Kurdistani Democratic Party, headed by Masud Barzani, has televised the confessions of 12 elements from Ansar Al Islam and Ansar Al Sunna groups, who were arrested on behalf of the Kurdish security forces at an earlier time. The station stated, "These elements represent terrorist networks that executed all the operations in Erbil city (350 km north of Baghdad) and Dahuk (450 km north of Baghdad. Ansar Al Sunna group introduces itself as a coalition of Islamic groups linked to Al Qaeda organization.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-09-28