
Today's Pak "expert": Saddam bowed out under a deal with US
IRNA -- A senior leader of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam) on Saturday said Saddam Hussain bowed outunder a deal forged with the United States. Syed Kabir Ali Wasti told IRNA here in an interview that Iraq's ex-president played the role of an agent of the US and facilitated its military action against his own country and people. "Saddam has been serving American interests for decades and, in this context, one cannot forget Iraq's war against Iran and its invasion of Kuwait," he said to substantiate his viewpoint.
Yep. That's gotta be it. Sammy was a U.S. agent. That explains everything...
The analyst maintained that the ruling Iraqi junta fled the country under a pre-planned program along with their family members to a "safe and sound" haven. Saddam's track record as a ruler, he pointed out, clearly proved that he ruled the country in order to serve Washington's political andeconomic interests in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.
Prob'ly worked for the Mossad, too...
Wasti maintained that the way Saddam had built hype to destroy the US-led forces and inflict on them a crushing defeat was just a jugglery of words. "During the war, it appeared the Iraqi forces, particularly the Republican Guards went underground to clear the way for the invading forces to take charge of the country," he contended. He maintained that over 250 tanks, APCs, and heavy weaponry were thrown away to guarantee victory for the coalition forces. There has never been such an end to fighting in the past in any part of the world, he noted.
Yeah. That was a much more effective way of handing over the country to rapacious U.S. interests than just surrendering. And the end result was the same...
Referring to the anti-US demonstrations in various Iraqi cities, Wasti said "these are a clear indication that Baghdad is pedaling its way back to democracy. During Saddam's rule it was next to impossible to come out and riot demonstrate in roads and streets."
"I mean, look at us Paks. Ain't nobody got as much democracy as we got!"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-19