
Iran's supreme leader insists U.S. seeking world domination
Iran's supreme leader accused the U.S. on Friday of seeking global domination and vowed his country would not give into demands to abandon its disputed nuclear program. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also alleged that Washington was stirring Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq, and criticized Muslim countries who commit the "bad deed" of recognizing Israel. "Our main opponent in the nuclear issue is the U.S. government," Khamenei said in a Friday sermon to thousands of worshippers at Tehran University. "The Americans claim Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. We know they are lying and the audience know they are lying too. This hard-line war-seeking government in the U.S. is seeking an empire and world domination." Khamenei said the U.S. "will not stop in the Middle East."

"Its European partners know that when the U.S. dominates the Middle East and Asia, it won't leave Europe alone." Last month the UN International Atomic Energy Agency warned Iran it could be hauled before the UN Security Council if it persisted with its uranium enrichment activities in violation of an agreement with Britain, France and Germany. Iran denies charges it is seeking weapons, and argues that making nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes is a "right" it should enjoy as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Posted by: Fred 2005-10-22