
Syria considers Saddam responsible
IRNA -- Syria once again on Saturday night emphasized that the top officials of the ousted Iraqi regime, and particularly Saddam Hussain himself, are responsible for all miseries suffered by the Iraqi nation, and for the occupation of Iraq by US-British forces. Head of the Foreign Relations and Information Bureau of the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Bathina Sha'ban, in an article published in Syria's state owned Tishrin newspaper, published on the occasion of Syria's Independence day — April 17, 1946 — took a severe snipe at the top officials of the ousted Iraqi regime for the troubles they have caused not only for the Iraqis!
"Yeah. He screws up, and here we are in the poop!"
Sha'ban's article seems to be an indirect response to the incessant US accusations against Damascus on its accused support for Saddam's ousted regime. In her article titled 'The Day the Last Foreign Soldier Was Kickedout of Syria' Sha'ban writes, "We are celebrating the Independence Day of Syria this year amid ambivalent feelings of joy and sadness, since the colonizers' soldiers have once again occupied an Arab country."
"Just waltzed right in and occupied it! It makes me feel so... vulnerable."
This Syrian official considers the recent developments in Iraq as "a full scale catastrophe" and meanwhile "a lesson that should teach the Arab and Islamic world leaders a lot".
They haven't learned yet. Or maybe they're trying to learn the wrong thing...
She further on reiterates, "we do not underestimate the lonizers' capabilities and modern military facilities, but let us not forget also that there were other factors involved in paving the way for the catastrophic military occupation of Iraq." The Syrian diplomat writes, "the ousted head of the former Iraqi regime dragged Iraq into the whirlpool of civil and foreign wars during his 30 years at the office, which had no benefit, save for the great losses of the human and material losses of the Iraqi and other nations, and an unjust long set of crushing U.N. sanctions, that were mainly against the Iraqi nation."
"Us Syrians, on the other hand, confine our activities to playing games with international terror organizations that we try to keep at the thorn in the side level, until eventually our enemies die of exhaustion. If we'd done more than we were, we might have gotten tromped on by our betters. And now this! He screws up, and we're next in line!"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-20