
U.S. pays $4 million to provide Palestinian insurgents day jobs
The United States has provided more than $4 million for the hiring of hundreds of insurgents into Palestinian Authority security forces.

Palestinian sources said the Bush administration relayed 20 million shekels, or $4.4 million, for the transfer of Fatah insurgents to the PA security forces. The sources said the U.S. aid, allocated via the PA, was meant to facilitate the elimination of the Fatah-dominated Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a leading insurgency force in the war against Israel.

Despite the absorption of Al Aqsa, the group continues to claim responsibility for rocket and other attacks against Israel, Middle East Newsline reported. On Monday, Palestinian gunners fired at least six missiles into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Israeli artillery fired into empty fields used for Palestinian missile launches.

"The U.S. money was meant to pay salaries for Al Aqsa people who join the PA," a senior Palestinian source involved in the effort said.

Al Aqsa has a force of between 500 and 700 fighters, and the sources said they would receive at least 1,750 shekels, or nearly $400, per month. The sources said most of the fighters have agreed to join the PA security forces, but said at least 100 would continue attacks against Israel in operations financed by Iran and Hizbullah.

The United States has not reported aid for the absorption of Al Aqsa into the PA. But U.S. officials said that in early 2005, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice approved a plan to help the PA transform insurgency cells into units of the PA police and security forces.

Under the U.S. plan, any Palestinian insurgent who surrenders his weapon to the PA and pledges to end attacks against Israel would receive a pension of $100 per month. Most insurgents have instead demanded jobs in the PA security forces.

The U.S. effort to help transform Al Aqsa fighters into Palestinian security officers was not the first time Washington has financed Fatah insurgents. In late 2004, Palestinian sources said, the United States relayed several millions of dollars to Al Aqsa and other Fatah groups to ensure their support for Mahmoud Abbas in his successful election as PA chairman.

PA officials said the absorption of Al Aqsa fighters would take several months and the new recruits would be allowed to keep their weapons. They said a three-week training course would be arranged for the recruits and then the PA would determine where the Fatah fighters would serve.

"We don't want to have Al Aqsa stay together in one unit," an official said. "We would rather spread them around."
Posted by: Thans Sniling4728 2005-11-02