
Babu nabbed by the coppers!
A red panda which went missing from a Birmingham nature park has been found in a tree in a leafy suburb. Babu, one of a pair of pandas at the reserve in Cannon Hill Park, was spotted by a passer-by in Moseley after four days on the loose. The panda was coaxed down from his tree and is now back at the nature reserve.

A spokesman said he had not travelled far from his home: "He was very clever and stayed away from the roads and kept near the berries." Babu was spotted by Sandra Mack-Williams. Her mother, Faye Williams, said her father had given her tips on how to spot him. "She told her father she was going out too look for the panda. "He said to look for crows - if you see a lot of crows and they are making a lot of noise look up the tree and you might find him. "Apparently the crows would make a lot of noise, they would be having a go at him."

Keepers at the reserve realised the male panda was missing on Sunday morning. A spokesman said they were puzzled as to how he escaped as new security measures had just been put in place to secure his pen. Red pandas are similar to racoons and tend to live high up in trees, feeding on bamboo. At this time of year they should be able to survive on fruit and berries. They are a rare breed and there are only 70 in the country.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2005-11-03