
Putin proposes creation of UN-led anti-terror system
From Xinhuanet, Somewhat EFL
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday proposed the establishment of an international system to combat terrorism in which the United Nations should play the key role. In his message to an international conference of intelligence agents and law-enforcement leaders, Putin called upon the international community to "create an effective system of international security which would provide reliable protection from terrorism and extremism," and "the United Nations should play the key role in this system," Interfax reported.
Ummm... Is this the United Nations Command for Law and Enforcement (U.N.C.L.E.)? I watched that show a time or two. It was pretty forgettable...
Putin noted that "it is extremely important" to ensure effective cooperation among law-enforcement agencies of different countries, "especially in information exchanges and efforts to undermine the financial base behind terrorism." A total of 60 delegations from 43 countries, including the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Group of Eight industrialized nations, NATO, the European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, are attending the conference that opened in Moscow on Wednesday.
The problem with these multipolar things is that the ownership rests jointly with the member states, who look out for their own interests. I'd not be happy letting Syria maintain the database on Islamic Jihad, or Iran keep track of Hezbollah.
They are discussing ways of perfecting cooperation in curbing the funding of terrorism and improving information exchanges in line with UN Security Council Resolution No. 1373, passed in 2001. "Our planet is too small, while the level of scientific and technological achievements is so high that one or several states on their own cannot protect themselves from current threats, given terrorists' possible access to weapons of mass destruction," the message said. Moscow attaches "enormous importance to international efforts to create a global system for resisting terrorist threats."
Nice idea, in theory. But remember that the OIC can't even agree on a definition of terrorism, since they can't come up with something that excludes Paleostine, Kashmir, and Chechnya...
"We are convinced that the UN must play the key role in coordinating anti-terrorist operations," Putin was quoted as saying. The Russian president noted that "the UN can guarantee that the mechanisms of combating terrorism will not damage the interests of individual countries, or the rights and liberties of their citizens."
I read a Clancy book in which the plot was terribly similar 

Posted by: Tadderly 2003-04-23