
If You Want to Contribute a Story Here
If you're a regular contributor here you already know this stuff - apologies. But lately we've been seeing a bunch of submissions with some problems - including a few where the link was screwed up, making the article unusable - so I thought it might be useful to list a few tips for submitting articles to the Burg.

If you're new and want to submit an article or just a link to a story, please note the following re: the poster page:

1. The "Source" field is for the full URL of the story. Do not use relative URLs - make sure it's the full link.

2. Feel free to edit the story for length or include only part of the article, marking it EFL or RTWT (read the whole thing) as appropriate. This info and any snarky comments you'd like to include should be highlighted: select the text and then click on the HiLite button.

3. Use italics, bold etc. for emphasis. Save the HiLite for your own additions.

4. Use the Opinion section for editorials or entries from other blogs.

5. Be patient. Except for Master Fred, who effortlessly juggles code and content while earning a living, the moderators are mere mortals with day jobs and other limitations, so we aren't always right there to approve your submission. If you don't see it forwarded to the Burg in, say, an hour or two, then submit it ONE more time.

Fred no doubt can add more tips. But in the meanwhile, on behalf of the moderator team, Thanks - looking forward to your contributions to the Burg.
Posted by: lotp 2005-11-06