
Scott Ritter defends Galloway
By Scott Ritter
- Heavily Edited
I was shocked shocked! to read about the allegations, ostensibly
oooh...big word for a man who chats with little girls
based upon documents discovered in Iraq, that George Galloway was somehow compensated financially by the Iraqi government for championing its cause. I was shocked shocked! because, if these allegations prove to be true, then the integrity and credibility of a man for whom I have great respect would be dramatically undermined.
And nothing could be more important to George right now than maintaining the respect of you, Scott....snicker.
But I was also shocked shocked! because of the timing of these allegations. Having been on the receiving end of smear campaigns designed to assassinate the character of someone in opposition to the powers that be, I have grown highly suspicious of dramatic revelations conveniently timed to silence a vocal voice of dissent.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Scott, but I think the allegations against you need to be untrue to qualify as a "smear campaign".
If it turns out that there are no weapons of mass destruction or programmes related to their production and concealment in Iraq,
and we all know how likely that is
Blair and his government must be held accountable by the British people for actions carried out in their name. If a pick up line on a Disney chat British policy was sustained on the back of a lie, then those who perpetrated that lie must be called upon to explain themselves. Now, more than ever, the British people need a voice of opposition, because it is from the ranks of the opposition that the matter of policing bad policy will be raised. To allow George Galloway to be silenced now, when his criticisms of British policy over Iraq have been shown to be fundamentally sound, would be a travesty of democracy. Rather than casting him aside, the British people should reconsider his statements in the light of the emerging reality that it is Blair and not Galloway who has been saying things worthy of investigation.
You'd think this was from Scrapple Face or the Onion...but noooo...this is real. Too rich.
Posted by: becky 2003-04-25