
The future descent of France
David Warren EFL

It is anyway too late to change the entire approach of the French state to the assimilation of Muslim immigrants. Nor, had it been much different, do I think the result would have been different. For the deeper reality is that France has become a moral and demographic vacuum. It has become, in the main, a pagan, childless, hedonistic country, in which there will be a Muslim majority within two generations. (Already, at least 40 per cent of the children born in French hospitals are to Muslim parents.) On present trends, the Islamicization of France, within the lifetime of most of my readers, is inevitable.

Egypt, too, was once a Christian country. And generations after the arrival of the Arabs, there were Egyptians who could not imagine it any other way. But whereas it took about five centuries to Islamicize Coptic Egypt, it will take less than one to Islamicize postmodern France.

It is against this background reality, that the riots happening today across France must be considered. They are a turning point, not only in France but all Europe. For the “moral and demographic vacuum” I mentioned above, is not in France alone. The same cultural deathwish prevails in Spain, Italy, Germany, the Low Countries, Britain, Scandinavia -- and Canada, by the way. It is called “multiculturalism” in this generation, but in another generation will be called something else.

Posted by: Ebboger Ebberesh9903 2005-11-11