
Bruce Willis, Michael Yon, Deuce Four, a movie?
Well maybe.
I've searched, trying to find if MSNBC has the video. No luck so far
Last night, after receiving an email from Michael Yon that he was appearing on Rita Crosby with Bruce Willis, and not wanting to miss CSI, I recorded Rita's show.

After pushing rewind several time, I did hear Bruce telling Rita, that "yes, there are talks about a movie, although that is not the important thing about these guys."

With Bruce's candid and honest love of our military, this could be the movie we have all wanted! Michael just had kind of a little smile, and those "special forces" eyes that kinda gleamed when the camera when to him.

Bruce did discuss with Rita the fact that MSM is NOT telling the story of what these guys are doing in Iraq.

Throughout the show, Michael's pictures of Lt. Col Kurilla from Gates of Fires was showing. Michael told the story of the picture of Major B with the young Iraqi girl killed by the terrorists.

And it ended with Bruce with, "seeing you, buddy," from Bruce to Michael.

So how about it? Bruce playing Kurilla? Check out his website at the bottom. It's all Michael Yon all the the time.
Posted by: Sherry 2005-11-11