
Financial statement...
I want to thank everyone who kicked in to get us through the late financial crisis. If there's anyone I didn't send a "thank you" e-mail, it wasn't intentional. Your generosity is breathtaking, and I'm very flattered that Rantburg matters enough to you to help support it this way. It'll take a day or two for PayPal to get the money to my bank, then probably a day for the bank to digest it. (God knows what the end of April bill's going to look like...)

So now I feel really guilty about all the things I should have been doing, but somehow couldn't find the time. I put the HTML up for copy/paste on the comments page and on GuestPoster for those using Netscape. I never did figure how to make it select an area of text, which made me feel incompetent until I saw that Blogger hasn't figured how to do it, either, and neither have the various commenting systems.

I've also put a preview function on GuestPoster. I hope that didn't introduce any bugs. (Yes, I saw Kelvin's comment today, but it's something that's been on my list for awhile, too...)

I've also worked over the front page so it's faster (and hopefully less bandwidth-intensive).
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-04-25