
New German government to revive EU
Irrelevant paragraphs deleted.

The new German government plans to use its 2007 presidency of the EU to revive the ratification of the EU constitution, according to a coalition deal struck on Friday (11 November).

The coalition agreement, signed by the German christian democrat CDU and the social democrat SPD parties, should pave the way for a fresh "grand coalition" government led by CDU leader Angela Merkel to take office later this month. The coalition deal revives plans for a ratification of the EU constitution, which was put on ice by EU leaders in June following a rejection of the new treaty by French and Dutch voters. "We stand for the European constitutional treaty," the text reads, reiterating that the constitution makes the union more democratic, efficient and transparent.

For now, the CDU-SPD government will support the continuing ratification of the treaty by member states, and will strengthen the process more directly when it takes over the helm of the EU in January 2007, the parties proclaimed. "We pledge to continue the ratification of the European constitutional treaty after the first half of 2006 and to give new impulses to [the ratification] under the German presidency in the first half of 2007," the deal reads.
Your social payments are bankrupting the country. GDP is at a standstill, as are some 10%+ of the population. So, obviously, you need to bring back the USSR.
Posted by: Jackal 2005-11-14