
Four Blasts Rip Into Lebanon "Camp", Shaky Lull Over
(Rooters, via LGF Edited, my scare quotes in title)
Four bombs ripped through Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp overnight on Saturday, ending a shaky lull in violence there that had lasted throughout the U.S.-led war on Iraq.
Just a breather - As Charles at LGF says: "There are no Jews near the Palestinian Arab “refugee camp” of Ain el-Hilweh in Lebanon—so the Palestinians have to resort to killing each other"
"It seems the Iraq war truce ended in the Ain el-Hilweh camp," said Maher Shabayta, responsible for a Fatah armed faction in the camp. "The goal of the explosions was to make the situation tense in Ain el-Hilweh."
Tense? In a UN-run "camp"? How could this be other than heaven on earth? You've got ineffective national gov't in Lebanon, Syrian occupation forces, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian influence, all armed to the teeth, UNCHR corrupt lackeys running this hellhole and, like, 30% employment. a recipe for success
Palestinian security sources said assailants threw grenades at a U.N. school, into a residential area and near the camp border, prompting armed members of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement to open fire into the air.
Nice ....honor/shame culture? where's the honor?
A fourth grenade exploded outside the home of a Fatah official, Abu Majdi al-Sharqawi, who was inside with his family at the time. The blast damaged the walls of the house.
That was a housewarming gift from the neighbors
No one was injured in any of the attacks or the subsequent gunfire in the camp, near the southern port city of Sidon. Tension has been high in the camp — site of a string of tit-for-tat bombings — since Islamic militants clashed with fighters loyal to Arafat in August, killing three people. Lebanese politicians hostile to some 390,000 Palestinian refugees registered in a dozen camps across Lebanon point to Ain el-Hilweh as a stench and a pestilence haven for militants and organized crime.
no shit? you think?
Posted by: Frank G 2003-04-26