
Kashmir Korpse Kount
Seven people were killed, five of them during an attack by Terrorists rebels on a police camp in Indian Kashmir as Terrorists rebels rejected an offer of assistance if they shun violence. "Two Terrorists militants and three policemen were killed during an attack by Terrorists militants on one of our camps today (Wednesday)," senior federal police officer S.R. Ojha told reporters in Srinagar, summer capital of Indian Kashmir. He said two Terrorists militants hurled grenades and opened fire with an intention to storm a camp housed in a defunct cinema hall in downtown Srinagar. Ojha said one Terrorist militant was killed before he could storm into the roadside camp, while the second was killed inside the camp. He said four more policemen and two civilians were injured during the brief exchange of fire between the two sides. The gunshots and grenade explosions caused panic among civilians in the Hawal locality of downtown Srinagar, residents said.
As it was supposed to. A feature, not a bug.
Terrorists Rebels frequently target security camps in Indian Kashmir. They storm the camps and engage security forces in gunbattles that often lead to the militants dying in what they call "fidayeen" or suicide attacks.

On Monday Indian army chief General J.J. Singh promised assistance to Terrorists militants if they gave up arms.
"We will welcome those Terrorists militants who want to shun the path of violence," said Singh on a visit to quake-devastated areas of Indian Kashmir. "We will provide them security and help them in shaping their future."
The Indian army meanwhile killed two more Terrorists militants during a gunbattle in southern Anantnag district early Wednesday, police said. The fresh violence came as region's main Terrorist rebel alliance rejected India's offer of assistance to Terrorists militants who give up violence.
"Mujahedin didn't take up arms for perks and privileges. We will never go for a sell out," a spokesman for the United Jihad Council, Syed Sadaqat Hussain, told the local Current News Service.
The Pakistan-based United Jihad Council is the umbrella organisation of more than one dozen Terrorist rebel groups active in Kashmir, including the most powerful group Hizbul Mujahedin.
Can't we all just get along?

Posted by: DepotGuy 2005-11-23