
Colin Powell: White House's Murtha Attack 'Disgraceful'
An angry former Secretary of State Colin Powell is blasting the Bush White House for attacking Rep. Jack Murtha, who undermined troop morale and encouraged al Qaida last week with his call for an immediate U.S. pullout from Iraq.

"To attack him the way he was attacked, accusing him of being a Michael Moore, was disgraceful and was not worthy," a Powell told the New York Post's Deborah Orin, who described him as "livid."

"Jack Murtha is great friend of mine," Powell declared. "He's a great patriot.

"I don't agree with his position," the former top Bush diplomat said. "But he has started a debate which is a good debate to have as to how long we should be there."

Hours after Murtha called for an immediate pullout last Thursday, White House press secretary Scott McClellan compared him to Michael Moore. Two days later, however, both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney went out of their way to describe Murtha as "honorable." Still, Powell focused instead on the earlier remark, and said nothing about the olive branch offered by Bush and Cheney.

The one-time chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also suggested that the war on terror wasn't quite as serious as other challenges the U.S. has faced. "We're not facing a world war anymore," Powell told the Post. "We have pretty much convinced the world that democracy is a better system than communism or fascism or totalitarianism."
Colin continues to slink into Neverland. At what point does a retired Marine and retired general become normal humans again, not beyond reproach?
I don't see the problem comparing a Democrat to Michael Moore -- after all, the Dems put Mickey right next to Jimmuah Carter in a seat of honor at their last national convention. And I haven't heard of any national Dem repudiating Mickey.

PS: no source for this article, CA -- please provide!

Posted by: Captain America 2005-11-25