
what went wrong (with Islam)
Pak writer
Dr Farrukh Saleem
The combined annual GDP of 57 Muslim countries remains under $2 trillion. America, just by herself, produces goods and services worth $10.4 trillion; China $5.7 trillion, Japan $3.5 trillion and Germany $2.1 trillion. Even India's GDP is estimated at over $3 trillion (purchasing power parity basis).
similar statistics continue but then here is the conclusion
What really went wrong? Muslims are poor, illiterate and weak. What went wrong? Arriving at the right diagnosis is extremely critical because the prescription depends on it. Consider this:

Diagnosis 1: Muslims are poor, illiterate and weak because they have 'abandoned the divine heritage of Islam'. Prescription: We must return to our real or imagined past.

Diagnosis 2: Muslims are poor, illiterate and weak because we have refused to change with time.

Keep pace with time -- al Quran
note the writer doesn't allow for the hypothesis that Islam is the disease itself and his prescription is going to an "imagined past" perhaps because he knows the real past is actually worse than the present; finally he can't bring himself to admit that the quran can't change with the times so he finesses it with an ambiguity
Posted by: mhw 2005-11-27