
Rantburg's Brutal Fascist Reason
When Fred’s database crashed last night, I desperately “Googled” Rantburg in search of my suddenly elusive favorite source of news. In the process I found this little gem of an editorial by some quivering moonbat named Brad Stroud. I won’t ruin the fun of reading it for you other than to mention that a) he uses the word “fascist” in reference to all of us some six times in five paragraphs b) .com is the most fascist fascist of us all.

Don’t misunderstand me. If you read the comments stimulated by an article posted at Rantburg.com, you’d find about 75% being racist, hateful crap. Those are easy to dismiss mostly because they are short, stupid, hateful comments. Those are not the ones, however, that send a chill down my spine: It is the ones that kind of make sense. It is the ones that have a violent, militant, unrelenting logic to them that have gripped my attention. Why? Because I do not doubt that these are the kinds of people prepared to reinvent America as a form of fascism in the service of preserving its “freedom” against the “Islamo-fascists”. Yes. Here one can watch the forming of opinions and the making of arguments - arguments that need to be criticized and destroyed.

Posted by: Secret Master 2005-11-30